Common Questions & Answers

Does an at home sleep test work on severe cases?
Yes, but not all sleep tests are equal.

What does a consult cost?
Most of the time your medical insurance covers your initial exam appointment.

Does insurance cover my treatment?
We accept most medical insurance. Dental insurance does not cover sleep treatment. Our staff will do a verification of benefits on your medical policy to determine what you have coverage for.

Are oral appliances successful?
96% of patients surveyed strongly prefer our precision appliance over CPAP and other alternatives. The most recent study done with oral appliances showed a success rate (efficacy rate) is greater than CPAP.

What is the maintenance compared to CPAP?
An oral appliance requires no maintenance other than brushing it with a toothbrush to keep it clean. CPAPs do require ongoing maintenance, changing of hoses and other pieces. This is also an ongoing cost for CPAP machines

What does a sleep test show?
Your sleep test ideally should show 4 things.
1. how many apnea events you have per night and per hour (your AHI number)
2. how low does your oxygen levels drop too during sleep. this is the biggest indicator of having a heart attack
3. how high does our heart rate get to during the night. This is the biggest indicator of having a stroke.
4. your stages of sleep. A lack of REM sleep is what creates tiredness during the day and puts us at risk of memory problems and Alzheimer’s. A lack of deep sleep prevents our body from being able to regulate hormones. This creates problems such as high blood pressure, blood sugar, and thyroid. We also develop problems controlling cortisol which creates weight gain.

What is sleep apnea?
By definition an apnea event means you stopped breathing for 10 seconds or longer. If it is less than 10 seconds but still alters your stage of sleep or oxygen level it is called a respiratory disturbance.

If I snore does it mean I have a sleep disorder?
70 percent of those that snore also have a sleep disorder that needs treated.

What are my treatment options for a sleep disorder or sleep apnea?
There are many treatment options and to determine treatment you need a sleep test, 3D imaging of the airway space and jaws. This allows us to get a diagnosis and determine which options will work for you.

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